Forthcoming Events: Gaelic Psalm Singing (18/02/2025 - Tue) Are you interested in learning to sing Psalms in Gaelic? Rob MacNeacail leads a session in Carlops Church on a Tuesday evening from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. No prior knowledge of Gaelic is needed as the lyrics are learned phonetically. You can email Rob at or just drop by one of the sessions.
Carlops Cuppa and Company (20/02/2025 - Thu) Every Thursday afternoon, Carlops Church from 2pm until 4pm houses an informal tea and chat session. No need to book; come at any time; stay as long as you like; enjoy the company of friends and neighbours.Community CoSY Coffee Afternoon (21/02/2025 - Fri) Our hours are 2pm to 4pm on Fridays, at the Old Church Hall in West Linton. Come along for a chat, cuppa, company and cake! Everyone very welcome, although under 16s need to be accompanied by an adult. Free of charge although donations welcome but not expected. More information from Kate Whalley.Open Gate Counselling Service (21/02/2025 - Fri) The Open Gate The Open Gate
counselling service started up in 2019 with financial help from the
Church of Scotland’s Go For It Fund, and had been available on Friday afternoons in Newlands Centre, Romanno Bridge
for appointments, proving useful for helping a range of problems. As
you know, since the onset of Covid, it has continued only as a telephone
appointment service which was available throughout the week. Please make the most of this opportunity! Baby Brunch (21/02/2025 - Fri) ![]() Baby brunch provides a warm and welcoming place to come to meet and chat with others and to get to know more people in the village. It also provides the opportunity for children to play and socialise.
Carlops Drop-In Coffee (22/02/2025 - Sat) There is a coffee drop-in meeting in Carlops Church on the last Saturday
of every month, from 10.30am to 12 noon. Everyone is invited:
come and drink coffee, eat scones
and cake, chat, enjoy good company. There is no charge, but donations
are invited, for pandemic depleted Church funds initially. The organisers welcome any
help you can offer: moving chairs and tables before and after the event; providing scones, cake,
biscuits;serving tables. If you can help from time to
time, contact Mary Levison or Mary McElroy. Contact details can be found at the bottom of the July 2022 Carlops Church newsletter.
Wanderings (22/02/2025 - Sat) ![]() ![]() The wandering for Saturday 22nd February starts at 2.30pm. Some
of the routes are a little steep, rough and muddy. We will be back to
the car park within an hour and a half. There are composting toilets on
site. If you have any additional, needs, questions or need a lift (car
sharing encouraged) get in touch. Anyone under 18y needs a responsible
adult with them.
Contemplative Prayer Inspired by Julian of Norwich (03/03/2025 - Mon) Come and Pray with us. Join us on the first Monday of the month at 9.45 am in the small meetihg room at the back of Broughton Village Hall (entry by the ramp next to the entrance to the car park). Each session lasts one hour and includes prayer and discussion. For the next few months we will be praying for the future of Broughton Kirk using contemplative prayer inspired by Julian of Norwich. The next meeting is on Monday 6th January.
Broughton Bite 'n' Blether (05/03/2025 - Wed) Organised by Upper Tweeddale Community Council, this is held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month from 10 o’clock till midday. Come along to Broughton Village Hall for a hot roll, home baking and tea/coffee. Suggested £3 donation. All welcomeGathering at Whim Care Centre (05/03/2025 - Wed) A short, informal little service to be held in the Whim Care Centre on the 1st Wednesday of the
month. St Mungos folk have been doing this on the 2nd and 4th weeks. Interested Whim residents
are drawn together in the lounge area and have been enjoying this time together. Margaret Habeshaw will likely be taking her keyboard for some cheerful hymns, but we are in need of folk to lead the
singing and we are hoping that we can be joined by one or two from our churches to help with
this. Entrance is by the door down the slope at the side of the building.
We will be starting at 2 pm, for a service perhaps lasting 30 minutes and we will likely be offered a
cup of tea later.”
Wanderings (06/03/2025 - Thu) ![]() ![]() Some
of the routes are a little steep, rough and muddy. We will be back to
the car park within an hour and a half. There are composting toilets on
site. If you have any additional, needs, questions or need a lift (car
sharing encouraged) get in touch. Anyone under 18y needs a responsible
adult with them.
Carlops Soup Lunch (12/03/2025 - Wed) This is held in Carlops Church on the second Wednesday of every month throughput the Winter (except December) until further notice. Times are 12noon to 1.30pm. The first event is on Wednesday 13 September 2023 and the last in April 2024.There is no charge, but charitable donations are invited. There is no need to book; just turn up; take a cup or choose your soup; drink, eat and chat. As regulars know, places are limited and it can get busy; an early appearance may be the wise strategy Our Village Talks in Carlops - Love Plants? (14/03/2025 - Fri) Our Village Talks Monthly talks and a chance to chat Hosted by Carlops Church We are delighted to announce a programme of monthly talks drawing on expert speakers from the community of Carlops and the wider world. We aim to bring you talks of interest and relevance to our neighbourhood and beautiful surroundings, as well as a chance to chat and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee. Talks will take place at 7.30pm on the second Friday of each month. Suggested donation of £5 to attend a talk. 2025 events Friday l4th February, 7.30 pm Can we slow ageing? Professor Tara Spires-Jones will present on developments in understanding the brain and reversing neurodegeneration. Rona Dodds will talk about creating Quercus Garden Plants, a beautiful garden centre at Macbiehill which specialises in hardy plants for our Pentland Hills climate. Friday 11th April, 7.30 pm The Philosophy of Rudolf Steiner Colin Third and colleagues will talk about the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner and how his gentle approach influences the care of adults with learning disability who live at Garvald West Linton. Raising funds for Malawi and for Malawi. The country has faced famine and food insecurity in recent months. We are hoping to raise funds towards a kitchen space and two pit latrines as a contribution to a village hall. The hall will be used for early years learning and for vaccination programmes for children. We will present a visual display of our progress with fundraising efforts to keep you updated. Messy Church - The Seed and the Sower (16/03/2025 - Sun) ![]() Sunday 24 November – Zaccheus Sunday 15 December – Christmas Sunday 19 January – The House Built on Rock Sunday 9 February – Lost and Found Sunday 16 March – The Seed and the Sower Sessions start at 4pm prompt in the New Church Hall at West Linton and finish at 6pm. All children from babies to P7 are most welcome to come and join in the fun! We will start with a Bible Story and then the children will do a range of craft activities, followed by a song and a prayer and finish off with a meal together. All children MUST be accompanied by an adult. Please do consider joining us for an afternoon of fun activities and a family meal together. For more information contact Jean Howat (01968 660677) Wanderings (29/03/2025 - Sat) ![]() ![]() The wandering for Saturday 29th March starts at 2.30pm. Some
of the routes are a little steep, rough and muddy. We will be back to
the car park within an hour and a half. There are composting toilets on
site. If you have any additional, needs, questions or need a lift (car
sharing encouraged) get in touch. Anyone under 18y needs a responsible
adult with them.
Crescendos and Wednesday Choirs at Newlands Church (29/03/2025 - Sat) There will be a concert on Saturday 29 March at 7pm in Newlands Church featuring Crescendos and Wednesday Choirs. Tickets cost £5 in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support and are available from Jean Howat and Newlands elders. Tea, coffee and cakes included in the interval.
Our Village Talks in Carlops - The Philosophy of Rudolf Steiner (11/04/2025 - Fri) Our Village Talks Monthly talks and a chance to chat Hosted by Carlops Church We are delighted to announce a programme of monthly talks drawing on expert speakers from the community of Carlops and the wider world. We aim to bring you talks of interest and relevance to our neighbourhood and beautiful surroundings, as well as a chance to chat and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee. Talks will take place at 7.30pm on the second Friday of each month. Suggested donation of £5 to attend a talk. 2025 events Friday l4th February, 7.30 pm Can we slow ageing? Professor Tara Spires-Jones will present on developments in understanding the brain and reversing neurodegeneration. Rona Dodds will talk about creating Quercus Garden Plants, a beautiful garden centre at Macbiehill which specialises in hardy plants for our Pentland Hills climate. Friday 11th April, 7.30 pm The Philosophy of Rudolf Steiner Colin Third and colleagues will talk about the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner and how his gentle approach influences the care of adults with learning disability who live at Garvald West Linton. Raising funds for Malawi and for Malawi. The country has faced famine and food insecurity in recent months. We are hoping to raise funds towards a kitchen space and two pit latrines as a contribution to a village hall. The hall will be used for early years learning and for vaccination programmes for children. We will present a visual display of our progress with fundraising efforts to keep you updated. |