West Tweeddale Parish Churches are a linkage of six Church of Scotland congregations in the north-west of the Scottish Borders.
Linkage means that our churches share a minister and collaborate on many activities, but each church can pursue its own goals in response to the needs and wishes of its local community.
We are churches of people, not buildings. In addition to church services, we organise a range of events to attract and interest people irrespective of what they believe, or do not believe. We welcome everyone to any and all of our events and hope we may see you at some of these soon.
These pages will tell you a lot more about us and what we do, but if you cannot find the answers you're looking for, please contact us.
Forthcoming Events: (click on the heading to view more information if available)
Wanderings is a new project being run in partnership with the Church of Scotland parish of Upper Tweeddale. We have an initial plan to meet twice a month, once on a Saturday afternoon and once on Thursday or Wednesday mornings followed by an option to join in a community cuppa. If you would like to join a Wander just turn up at Broughtonknowe woods main carpark with warm, waterproof clothing and stout boots with good grip.
The wandering for Saturday 29th March starts at 2.30pm.
There will be a concert on Saturday 29 March at 7pm in Newlands Church featuring Crescendo and The Wednesdays. Tickets cost £5 in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support and are available from Jean Howat and Newlands elders, and also from the Chemist in West Linton. Tea, coffee and cakes included in the interval.
Are you interested in learning to sing Psalms in Gaelic? Rob MacNeacail leads a session in Carlops Church on a Tuesday evening from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. No prior knowledge of Gaelic is needed as the lyrics are learned phonetically. You can email Rob at or just drop by one of the sessions.
For Lent we will be discussing Marjorie J. Thompson’s book “Forgiveness, a Lenten Study” in which she takes a close look at our understanding of forgiveness.
There will be two identical programmes lasting six weeks. One will be online using Zoom and the other in person in the LaurelbankCafe in Broughton. The Zoom sessions will be led by Steven Whalley and Kevin Scott every Wednesday at 7pm starting on 5th March. The Broughton sessions will be led by Isobel Hunter every Tuesday at 10.00am starting on 4th March.
For Lent we will be discussing Marjorie J. Thompson’s book “Forgiveness, a Lenten Study” in which she takes a close look at our understanding of forgiveness.
There will be two identical programmes lasting six weeks. One will be online using Zoom and the other in person in the LaurelbankCafe in Broughton. The Zoom sessions will be led by Steven Whalley and Kevin Scott every Wednesday at 7pm starting on 5th March. The Broughton sessions will be led by Isobel Hunter every Tuesday at 10.00am starting on 4th March.
The Zoom link is available from the church office ()
A short, informal little service to be held in the Whim Care Centre on the 1st Wednesday of the
month. St Mungos folk have been doing this on the 2nd and 4th weeks. Interested Whim residents
are drawn together in the lounge area and have been enjoying this time together.
Margaret Habeshaw will likely be taking her keyboard for some cheerful hymns, but we are in need of folk to lead the
singing and we are hoping that we can be joined by one or two from our churches to help with
this. Entrance is by the door down the slope at the side of the building.
We will be starting at 2 pm, for a service perhaps lasting 30 minutes and we will likely be offered a
cup of tea later.”
Organised by Upper Tweeddale Community Council, this is held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month from 10 o’clock till midday.
Come along to Broughton Village Hall for a hot roll, home baking and tea/coffee. Suggested £3 donation. All welcome
Wanderings is a new project being run in partnership with the Church of Scotland parish of Upper Tweeddale. We have an initial plan to meet twice a month, once on a Saturday afternoon and once on Thursday or Wednesday mornings followed by an option to join in a community cuppa. If you would like to join a Wander just turn up at Broughtonknowe woods main carpark with warm, waterproof clothing and stout boots with good grip.
The wandering for Wednesday 3rd April starts at 9.30am and is followed by 'Bite and Blether' in Broughton Village Hall.
Every Thursday afternoon, Carlops Church from 2.30pm until 4.30pm houses an informal tea and chat session. No need to book; come at any time; stay as long as you like; enjoy the company of friends and neighbours.
Our hours are 2pm to 4pm on Fridays, at the Old Church Hall in West Linton. Come
along for a chat, cuppa, company and cake! Everyone very welcome,
although under 16s need to be accompanied by an adult. Free of
charge although donations welcome but not expected. More
information from Kate Whalley.
The Open Gate
counselling service is provided in Newlands Centre, Romanno Bridge on Friday afternoons for
face-to-face appointments. Appointments can be arranged by phoning or texting 07535 898 244
it for yourself or suggest it to friends. Everyone has some sort of
problem in their life that could be helped in a relaxed and pleasant
way. Sessions remain free and confidential and the client decides when
their problem has been helped – often after only 1 session. Some
problems can’t be changed eg death of a loved one, physical impairment
etc, but folk can be helped to cope more happily with these issues.
Baby brunch is held in West Linton every Friday in the Old Church Hall on the Lower Green during school term time. This is for parents, grandparents, carers or childminders with babies and/or young toddlers.
Come and Pray with us. Join us on the first Monday of the month at 9.45 am in the small meetihg room at the back of Broughton Village Hall (entry by the ramp next to the entrance to the car park). Each session lasts one hour and includes prayer and discussion.
For the next few months we will be praying for the future of Broughton Kirk using contemplative prayer inspired by Julian of Norwich. The next meeting is on Monday 3rd March.
Click on the church names or church symbols to go to the pages for those churches